Community Engagement Lead

Are you a creative, organised and engaging person, with a passion for helping others tell their stories?

The ‘Embroidered Tales’ project is looking to appoint a brilliant Project Lead to steer and deliver a programme that will result in a range of new skills and outcomes for participants, our organisation, and our audiences. The project is primarily funded by Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, with further support and funding from Arts Council England and Southeast Museums Development.

About the Project

The 'Embroidered Tales: Hidden Histories, Silent Voices of the New Forest' project is a unique community-led initiative focused on exploring and sharing the heritage of the New Forest. It is a partnership between the New Forest Heritage Trust (NFHT), local communities, and heritage experts from academic and commercial sectors. The project aims to create positive learning experiences, develop new skills, and increase awareness of future opportunities within the heritage sector.

The project's centrepiece is a 3D digital avatar of the New Forest Embroidery, commissioned by the New Forest Association in 1979. The embroidery is over 6m long and 70cm high, presenting a narrative history of the New Forest and its changing seasons. The 3D digital avatar will enable the embroidery to reach new audiences, conveying stories and experiences of communities obscured by conventionally accepted narratives of the New Forest.  

The project will use ground-breaking digital technologies such as photogrammetry and Reflective Transformation Imaging to create a dynamic, multi-dimensional experience for audiences. Using digital audio, film images, and text, participants can overlay conventional historical narratives with alternative stories and experiences. The community-focused approach will be an equitable collaboration between community participants, staff from NFHT, and heritage experts. The project will use tactile panels with built-in sensors to replicate the embroidery's texture, design, and structure. They will allow people with visual impairments to engage with the embroidery, providing a valuable learning experience.

The project aims to establish more robust and enduring partnerships within local communities, providing a foundation for future collaborations. The project will create an enduring, sustainable output that further contributors can build on over time. It is an innovative initiative that will contribute to a better understanding of local heritage and history.

Apply now to make a meaningful difference!