Home Education

Learning about the past helps us understand and shape the future with confidence

As part of our journey to inspire as many people as possible we offer a friendly place for home educating families in the area to connect and exchange ideas whilst learning about the New Forest.

A new learning programme designed for Home Educating families of 6-11yr olds offering nine modules about the New Forest.

Museums and collections provide a great opportunity to learn about the past.

Each module includes a booklet and optional small group workshops for Home Educating families to enjoy learning together informally through activities, crafts and games in a relaxed and welcoming space.

(Children will need to be accompanied by an adult)

Come and use our resources, museum, and our collections in a creative, imaginative, and sociable environment. Our Learning Officer will be available to help you to support your children’s learning.  Alternatively, you can purchase the booklet separately to use at home.

To find out more and join our growing home ed group please fill in the form below.